it creeps up from the backwoods
taunting as it teases at the periphery
licking the edges of your brain with long, barbed
arms of noxious agony
it twists your mind, showing things that aren’t there
hearing things that aren’t there
buzzes and flickers until half insane from
the jabs you lash out with fists
of sunglasses, narcotics, and blessed wet coolness
you know it’s there, patiently awaiting
the most inopportune of guests to arrive
it always picks the weakest side
ganging up like bullies on the playground
pounding, thrashing, drilling into your
very soul with all the power of a 5th avenue
high-rise lunch break
it stays away long enough for you to feel safe
to forget 4-hour watch shifts and
packets of expired psychotropic drugs
so now you writhe, withering and
sweating, grasping with blind hands for
any pill, any touch, any suicide to
when overripe prescriptions and
dime-a-dozen analgesics are drowned with
caffeine and still do not keep the hoard at bay
when ice cold compresses black
out the light and seep stinging
into strained irises to drip down
to tear-stained pillowcases and damp collars
when you can hear the fan from two doors down
the kids at the pool
the TV from upstairs
but you can’t hear your own heart anymore
you know it’s time to drag
your bleeding corpse out from sanctuary
to find solace in a cold, impersonal
waiting room and just maybe,
this time it will stay away long enough
to get home